2003 Renault Espace ignition key card reader does not respond

Car: Renault Espace
Year: 2003
Variant: Grand Espace 2.2 dci
Categories: Running Rough, Starting & Power Loss
I can unlock the car with the key card. It disables the alarm, the lights go on in the car. The dashboard show, "Put the card in the card reader". When I put the card in the card reader there's no response whatsoever. No reponse of the key card is not starting the vehicle. Can I change the reader with a new one, without having to re-program the reader or key card? Opinions vary and the people I've asked don't really know if it has to be re-programmed by Renault Only. The local car electrician could not find the problem. The computer diagnostic connection did not provide any power to his computer eighter. So he could not establish where the fault was. Before I'm going to let me be stripped by Renault, I thought to give the forum a go. Fraglactic
Posted: Feb 3, 2012 (12 years ago)
the key reader is plug and play. just check your fuses as the have a habbit of vibrating out of there sockets and giving crap connections. other than that, possible card fault
Posted Feb 5, 2012 (12 years ago)

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