About Us

A bit about AutoInsider

Solving car problems since 2006

Auto Insider is a UK based automotive site specialising in car problems and repairs and business listings. We've been going since 2006 and have built up a huge amount of data about car problems and repairs.

We're currently launching lots of new parts of the site to allow our users to get maximum value from our data. We have thousands of solutions to car problems and we want to organise this for those who might need it.

Businesses Listed
User Reviews
Problem Solutions
Advertising on AutoInsider

To advertise on AutoInsider please email us at [email protected].

We can offer bespoke advertising on the site via custom ad placements and sponsored editorial. If you have an idea for a partnership or a way you'd like to advertise your product or business via AutoInsider please give us a try.

We don't offer paid links or get involved in link exchanges.