2014 Mercedes Benz B Class no power on going up hills

Car: Mercedes Benz B Class
Year: 2014
Variant: B180 B eeficiency sport
Categories: Running Rough, Starting & Power Loss
Several times---not every time--- when going up a hill the power suddenly drops and I am doing 20mph.Even when I go down thro the gears it doesnt make any difference.This is a petrol car and has just been serviced but hasnt made a difference.So embarrassing when cars are behind me!!!! I ave even changed from econ.but still nothing
Posted: Jul 28, 2022 (1 year ago)
Would have thought it would throw a fault code which could be retrieved with proper diagnostic scanner . But many possible causes and could be wasting time and money replacing parts that might not be needed by guessing
Posted Jul 29, 2022 (1 year ago)

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