2004 Ford Mondeo cant open the bonnet with key

Car: Ford Mondeo
Year: 2004
Variant: 1998
Posted: Jan 15, 2011 (13 years ago)
try giving the key barrell a suirt with wd40 and see if this frees it off.check the key is`nt worn,if the barrell is worn and you can`t get it open then you will need to remove the barrell and release the lock manually
Posted Jan 15, 2011 (13 years ago)

Ford mondeo bonnet lock, can not open bonnet .

" I take it this is the model with the swivel badge... this is becoming a common problem with these Fords... usually it ends up needing a new lock assembly - but what happens is one of two things - either the lock has seized -or the rod that connects the lock to the mechanism disconnects and drops down.

If the latter has happened - it can usually be seen by using a good torch and looking up through the grille. If you see a black plastic rod drooping down from the lock , that is the problem -- and you can usually get it reconnected using "key hole surgery" - using two screwdrivers working through the grille - and reconnecting the rod onto the mechanism -- and then the lock wil open again. Its very very fiddly but is the only way and it can be done.

If all else fails , the lock has to be drilled through - using a diamond type drill as the lock is very hard - and then the bonnet opened using a log flat screwdriver - then a new lock assembly has to be fitted... "

Posted Jan 15, 2011 (13 years ago)

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