Austin Problems

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The Latest Austin Problems
Heater water control leaking

I think the control tap needs replacing but how can I access it as it is behind the gear change linkage and the steering column?

1965 Austin A60 Cambridge van
Posted: Jan 24, 2022
Door fouling hinge

I have removed doors on the car on refitting they now foul the hinge.Looks like it is the brass balls and cones between the hinges.I have 4 cones and 4 bearings that was taken off the car.Is this right

1958 Austin 1100 a35
Posted: Mar 6, 2020
Cylinder head

I've got a1973 1100cc engine fitted. Is it possible to fit a 1000cc cylinder head to the 1100cc engine block?

1989 Austin Seven (Mini)
Posted: Mar 15, 2013

flywheel stuck on very tight any suggestions on how to get it off

1982 Austin Seven (Mini) 850
Posted: Nov 14, 2010

having great difficulty getting flywheel off.everything off have decent puller on but wont budge,had them tight in past but not this tight ,any suggestions please.

1973 Austin Seven (Mini) 850
Posted: Nov 4, 2010