Kenn Garage

Kenn Road Kenn, Clevedon, BS21 6TJ

10 / 10 from 1 review
Business overview
Recently taken over by Overland Auto Engineers. Service and repairs for all makes of vehicle. A Land Rover specialist, we provide MOTs, welding, clutches and diagnostics.
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday 830-5.30
Saturdays by appointment.
What we do
Service, repairs, welding, diagnostics,MOTs, clutch, cambelts, brakes, 4x4
Location map
Customer Reviews of Kenn Garage
10/ 10

David Hamnett, Clevedon

Very quick to pick the car up, and very resonable in price, first time using overland autos thank you Nigel for picking the car up so quick, was recommended by a good friend, will use again.

David Hamnett (clevedon)

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