Brede Garage

Cackle Street Brede, Rye, TN31 6DY

01424 870651

Cackle Street Brede, Rye, TN31 6DY
Business overview
Brede Garage is a Bosch Car Service garage, situated on the A28 just outside of Rye & Hastings at Brede. We offer a range of used cars, specialising in wheelchair accessible vehicles WAV's. Brede Garage also has a small workshop for repairs, servicing and maintenance as well as offering Class IV MOT's for most cars and light commercials.
Opening Hours
We are open all week from 8am to 5pm and half day Saturdays
What we do
Used Cars, Used WAV, Used Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles, Servicing, Repairs, MOT
Location map
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