Aston Martin

AutoInsider Aston Martin Car Data

Aston Martin Car Models, Data & Recalls

Page contains all of our data on Aston Martin including recalls, model information and UK registration data.

AutoInsider Data
Cars 25
Recalls 76
Production Aston Martin Cars
Legacy Aston Martin Cars
Aston Martin Recalls
Model: DB11 recalled on: Oct 12, 2020
Certain fixings on the front seat air bag may not have been tightened to the correct torque
Model: VANTAGE recalled on: Oct 12, 2020
Certain fixings on the front seat air bag may not have been tightened to the correct torque
Model: DBS recalled on: Oct 12, 2020
Certain fixings on the front seat air bag may not have been tightened to the correct torque
Model: DB11 recalled on: Nov 19, 2019
The vehicles may not have had their passenger airbag fixings tightened to the correct torque
Model: VANTAGE recalled on: Nov 19, 2019
The vehicles may not have had their passenger airbag fixings tightened to the correct torque
Model: DBS recalled on: Nov 19, 2019
The vehicles may not have had their passenger airbag fixings tightened to the correct torque
Model: DB11 recalled on: Nov 19, 2019
The vehicles may not have had their passenger airbag fixings tightened to the correct torque
Model: DB11 recalled on: Nov 19, 2019
The vehicles may not have had their passenger airbag fixings tightened to the correct torque
Model: DB11 recalled on: Jan 23, 2018
Inadvertant airbag deployment
Model: DB9 recalled on: Dec 18, 2017
Vehicle may roll away